We are GKCDS.
Composition: The Board of Directors of the Greater Kansas City Dental Society consists of the President, President Elect, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, and nine voting Directors from the membership, as elective officers, the Editor of the official news publication as an appointive position, and the immediate Past President. The immediate Past President and the Editor of the official news publication shall be ex‑officio members of the Board without vote.
Objective: To cultivate the science and art of dentistry, to elevate and sustain the professional character of its members, and to disseminate knowledge pertaining to the advancement of health.
Our Strategic Plans and Overarching Goals include:
1. Promoting ethical conduct of dentists.
2. Promoting an environment where members can provide the optimal patient care so the following principles of patient care can be followed:
a. Autonomy
b. Non-maleficence
c. Beneficence
d. Justice
e. Veracity
3. Cultivate the science and art of dentistry.
4. Increase and sustain a diverse membership.
5. Fostering camaraderie and collegiality among dentists.